Sunday 18th Nov 7pm-9pm
AGM Time!
A review of the year, plans for the following year and any other business.
Rusty Rackets/Spring Clean/Hedge tidy up
Sunday 14th April (10am - 2pm)
Open Day
An open day for the club will be held onBank Holiday Monday, May 6th, 10am - 2pm.
Club Tournament Draw
Draw for tournament to take place on Sunday 9th June 10am - 2pm.
Summer Picnic (and tennis)
Sunday 14th July 12 noon - 3pm. Bring your own food and drink, as well as friends and family. Social tennis and catch-up for all members and their friends/family.
Club Tournament Finals
Sunday 15th September 10.00am (prompt start). Finals of the club cahampionship and social for spectators.
AGM and Social
Monday 25th November 7:30pm for AGM, followed by club Social.
This event will be held in the Large Barn again. Everyone is welcome to both the AGM and the social afterwards. Please bring friends and family. More details to follow.
Christmas Social
Thursday 5th December. An informal pub event - more details nearer the time.